Shape shot

A survivor like that takes about 10 minuets to become an unstoppable killing  machine.

Please give feedback ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Keyboard / Mouse:
move with : w a s d
aim : mouse
shoot : left mouse button
Pause/Shop : Space/ESC
move with : left stick
aim : right stick
shoot  : A button / right stick
Pause/Shop : Start/Menu/B button

made for Primitive shapes Game Jam #3 in about 4 days


Download 1 MB


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that feels oddly satisfying, who made coding on this ? 


will you up to join dev team as of right now ?  if so where can I contact you ? what's your discord ? 

No, but thanks. I have a full time job and simply not the time to work on any other bigger projects 

ooooo pretty good but it wasnt getting more difficult, when you make it more difficult you make people stay and actually try to beat it but rn this game is just looping the same enemies and i think if you wanted to get more recognition you should make it progressively harder. i have a idea in mind but idk how to put that into words so i will let you be and you can take my advice <3

Fun game! A little more enemy variety would go a long way, but this is a really strong start!


Added another enemy and a new weapon and modifier that might be dropped by the boss when killed and a few things more